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Two Hours of Peace

Since finishing Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism this summer, I’ve been thinking a lot about my digital life. So much of what I consume digitally affects my mood and wellbeing. I want to be proactive in only consuming things that improve my mood.

My morning routine very clearly sets the tone for my day. I can notice tangible differences on days when I skip my morning walk, or when I start my day looking at my phone. Now that fall is here and I’m in the new year mood, I thought it was time to take a closer look at my waking hours.

I get up early, about two hours before my kids. Over the years, I’ve spent that time in different ways. At times, I’d use it to read the newspaper cover to cover. Other times, I’d use it for work or to knock out a project. Lately, I’ve used it to walk for an hour, get ready for the day, and pray.

While walking, I listen to podcasts. I subscribe to a small range of shows, mostly news and current events. With the election season ramping up, I found myself getting worked up while walking, an activity that should be relaxing. I’d feel the anxiety that comes when I think too much about the future that I have little control over. We’re still months away from the thick of primary season and many news podcasts have been talking about the election for almost a year now. That means I can waste all sorts of time thinking about candidates who will never make it to the final heat.

I have a new program, and it gives me two hours of peace to start my day. I wake up, and I don’t look at my phone. I subscribe to podcasts that appeal to my other interests, such as personal finance and personal technology. I get back from my walk, and I still don’t look at my phone. I get ready for the day, and then spend ten minutes in my favorite meditation app, Hallow. I spend another twenty minutes in prayer.

Only then, two hours after waking up, do I open my email inbox, or my RSS reader, or even respond to messages.

Those two hours, in the quiet stillness of early morning, are mine. I relish the peace of this new routine.

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