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Walking in the Cold

My early morning walks are always tested by the heat of summer and the cold of winter. I think that winter presents a bigger challenge to me because I have to get out of the comfort of my warm bed. Either temperature extreme can be difficult to deal with, especially when I think of the pleasantness of a spring or fall walk.

I’ve been out of my walking habit for the past month or so, mostly deterred by the recent Arctic Blast. The thing is, even though I’m cold for the first 10 minutes or so, the body heat that exercising generates leaves me mostly comfortable for the other 50 minutes that I’m on the road. So it’s uncomfortable at the very start, and then its totally manageable.

I have a huge backlog of podcasts that I want to listen to, a queue that grows by the day. This evening, after getting the kids in bed, I suited up and went out into the cold. As predicted, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Hopefully that’s motivation enough for me to get out of bed tomorrow morning, and the next, and the next.

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