I first read this book/pastoral letter when it came out back in 2009. I was taking a college class on marriage and family life, and we used it as a tool for gaining a better understanding of the vocation of marriage. Since then, I’ve read it every so often, usually around my anniversary.

There can be much lost in the “things” of Catholicism, most easily the responsibility of the laity. Falling into the trap of clericalism, it’s easy for the everyday Catholic to forget that the role of the priest and the role of the people is equal in the call to holiness and advancing Jesus’ saving mission. Marriage is a vocation, a calling not unlike the call to the service of the priesthood. It’s not an easy life, but it’s an important one and is filled with grace and blessing.

I enjoyed the read, as I always do, and feel refreshed to take on our next year. What Alison and I are doing in fidelity to our vows and vocation is supremely important, a fact that’s easy to lose sight of in the routine of daily life. This letter helped to remind me of that key insight.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

ISBN: 9781601370921