Chet wordmark with orange bowtie Chet wordmark with orange bowtie


Chet Collins

Hello! My name is Chet. I help businesses improve their systems & processes, I’m a writer, and an at-home dad.

My love for writing pairs nicely with my love for reading. I keep a list of all of the books that I’ve read since 2018.

In addition to reading books, I’ve written three of my own. I also write and publish on my other blog, Catholic Husband. That project began in 2013 and now features over 985 blog posts.

I’ve completed the 75 HARD Challenge ♠.

I’m not on any of the big social media sites. I quit Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in 2018, and quit Google in 2019. It was a hard transition to make, but my reasons convinced me it was necessary.

My interest in podcasting goes back to the fall of 2007. My latest show is called ChetCast. It’s a podcast starring my four children as we go on adventures and experience life. I record it to capture my children as they are, leaving an audio history for them to come back to when they’re older.

In the summer of 2018, I started publishing one Haiku each day. I completed the project in May 2021 after completing a 1,000 day streak. My haiku is a collection of simple poetry that perfectly captures my days. The full collection is indexed for your convenience.

My latest project is a digital magazine called Applied Bioethics Magazine. It’s a publication that explores the bioethical issues of today and makes them simple and accessible.

Published Work

Applied Bioethics Magazine (2022)

Humble Service: Leading Your Family as a Stay-at-Home Dad (2019)

Grant Us Peace (2018)

The Transition: A Practical Guide to Engagement for the Catholic Man (2014)