With all of the upheaval going on in the world, I thought now was a great time to get lost in Brad Thor’s Scot Harvath series again. Something light, fast, and distracting. In this book, Thor continues his mid-2000s trope of the West vs. Islamic terrorism. That’s one of the things that I’ve come to discover about Thor. He publishes a new thriller each year, and in many ways, each installment is a product of the days in which it was written.

Setting that complaint aside (I’d rather meet some different villains), Thor does a good job of educating the reader on other historical events. In this case, Thor brings in the First Barbary War conducted by Thomas Jefferson.

The book was good and I enjoyed it, but only if you can stand yet another fictional book about the War of Terrorism.

Would I recommend: YES

ISBN: 978-1416543848