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In an era of big tech and deeply rooted social media, why have your own blog on the Internet? What good does it do if there is little traffic? Why pay when you can get it all for free? In a word, freedom.

This blog is my space. I control its design, its location, and every single post. There are no censors, paywalls, or rules. I am the final authority on what appears at this domain and what does not. There are no ads, no tracker, or no business model. This website traffics in ideas.

We need this kind of freedom today. Self-censorship is the gravest threat to any free society. If people are not free to express their ideas, especially contrary or unpopular ones, then we are not truly free.

The woke culture of today seeks to destroy the personal and professional lives of anyone that dares stand up to their set of ideas. It’s the new cultural colonialism, no different than the colonization of centuries ago. There is one way of thinking, it is the only way of thinking, and anyone who dares speak against it must be eliminated.

This very blog post could be referenced, decades from now, and used to attack me personally. That attack would be an attack on liberal values and liberty itself. I do not advocate for violence nor do I support any idea or action that in any way reduces the dignity of the human person. I benefit from a variety of viewpoints, especially those thoughtfully articulated and debated. To use liberty as a bludgeon is an affront to the idea of free society itself.

Freedom and liberty are always a generation away from disappearing entirely. The Iron Curtain of Wokeness is being built, day by day, brick by brick. This blog will remain a part of the beacon of liberty, promising tolerance of ideas, and respect for the dignity of the human person.

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