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ProPublica’s Plan for a Poorer America - WSJ Opinion

ProPublica laments that taxpayers are acting “perfectly legally” in not paying a federal wealth tax, which doesn’t exist.

Experts in conflation wrote that PP piece

Private investment has created $32 trillion of equity wealth in America. “Public investment” has created $21 trillion of public debt. Proponents of a federal property tax on wealth offer guarantees and protections that they will only tax the superrich like Mr. Buffett, promising not to touch your retirement plan, home, farm or business. But the federal income tax started out only taxing the superrich like John D. Rockefeller. The same politicians who promise to protect you from the federal wealth tax voted to impose income taxes on “wealthy” Social Security retirees with an annual incomes above $25,000. And these are the same politicians who are proposing to tax your businesses and farms at 43.4% when you die, before they take another 40% in death taxes.

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