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CNN lied about Joe Rogan and ivermectin. It regrets nothing - Washington Examiner

Never mind that CNN broadcast no pro-vaccine “public service announcements” in 2020 in response to then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris’s anti-vaxxer rhetoric . Never mind that Rogan’s show pulls insane audience numbers, numbers far greater than anything CNN’s prime-time hosts enjoy, which may be a clue as to why the network is so keen to portray him and other popular and independent hosts as unreliable and, frankly, dangerous sources of information.

Two very good points.

Rogan may be an off-beat regular joe, but his audience makes him a heavyweight in a landscape now dominated by non-incumbent media organizations.

It’s in CNNs interest to try to take him down a peg or two. And the controversy that they created may have gotten some of Rogan’s audience to pay attention to CNN for the first time in years.

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