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Biden’s Climate Plans Thrown Into Doubt by Manchin’s Rejection of ‘Build Back Better’ Bill - WSJ

Without action from Congress, Mr. Biden could still meet the target, analysts said. But doing so would require more-ambitious state and executive-branch actions such as tighter federal rules on power plants, vehicles and industrial emissions

Now where have I heard this story before…

“Without the cost-reduction assistance of congressional actions, federal and state leaders will face higher technical and political hurdles as they pursue the ambitious policies required to get to the 50-52% target,” the report says.

Cost-reduction assistance, now that’s funny! Excellent writing. Code for forcing taxpayers to pay for terrible projects that the Market won’t support on its own.

And by “political hurdles” do they mean a discontented electorate that disagrees with reorganizing the entire society based on a contested scientific theory?

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