As Hunger Spreads in Afghanistan, Hospitals Fill With Premature, Dying Babies - WSJ

Half of the population faces acute hunger, according to the United Nations, with one million children in danger of dying from malnutrition. The economy is set to contract by another 20% this year, following last year’s plunge, the U.N. says.

Biden & Harris campaigned on morality. They were the steady hand, the ticket of American values and moral courage juxtaposed with the self-serving Trump.

When you look at the fact that a small detachment of American troops could have averted this humanitarian crisis, and the fact that Joe Biden continues to insist that he made the right call on a rapid and chaotic withdrawal, it’s clear just how empty the Biden-Harris campaign premise rings.

Joe Biden voted to commit forces to Afghanistan when he was in the Senate, but he wasn’t responsible for 20 years of mismanagement. His election presented an opportunity for a reset, and he didn’t take it.

We owed the people of Afghanistan our commitment to provide safety and stability as they made the long transition from despotic theocracy to emerging democracy. We’re still in Germany, Japan, and Korea decades late. The decision to leave directly caused this humanitarian crisis. Joe Biden not only owns the crisis, he created it.

But hey, that airlift was pretty cool, right?