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Student-Loan Freeze Saves Borrowers Nearly $200 Billion as Biden Considers Extension - WSJ

Washington Sen. Patty Murray (D.), who leads the Senate’s education panel, has specifically pushed for a renewed pause into next year to give the administration time to come up with a plan to overhaul the student-loan payment system, including some debt forgiveness, especially for low-income borrowers, as well as changes to income-based repayment plans and altering how student debt affects consumer credit scores.

I think she meant to give the administration time to get past the midterms.

Jesse Wilburn, a 27-year-old electrical engineer in Philadelphia, said that while his $30,000 in student debt is relatively manageable, he is considering forgoing payments in solidarity with those who can’t pay back their loans if the freeze on payments ends in May.

True bravery.

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