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Applied Bioethics Magazine

Eight years ago, I left the workforce to stay home and care for my son. He was young and needed very little attention. I wanted to use my time well, so I started writing. My blog, Catholic Husband now has over 875 articles, and I’ve published three books.

I’m happy to share with you my next project.

Applied Bioethics Magazine is a web-based publication that takes on the bioethical issues of today and helps you to explore their meaning in your life. The first issue is out today.

The magazine exists at the intersection of classical philosophy, Catholic theology, and healthcare. It combines my philosophical background, my Catholic faith, and Alison’s career. I started dating Alison right before she started medical school. Our conversations over the years shaped my understanding of modern healthcare, and identified areas where we need to be cautious.

Medicine is a complex field, a hard science that requires heavy doses of human empathy and compassion. It’s seldom clear-cut, and the answers to most questions heavily depends on the individual circumstances of that patient.

Bioethics is no longer the prerogative of physicians. Patients and providers must both reach an answer to these difficult questions. We need to make moral decisions, even when the medical community suggests otherwise.

This magazine is not intended to be an academic work. The intent is to help you understand context and complexity. The best help is the help that’s available and accessible. Although it may not be academic, the material is challenging and requires considered thought and reflection.

Issue No. 01: The Human Person builds a solid foundation for future exploration. It defines the human person and articulates why the right to life is fundamental to society. A free Preview Issue features the first two articles from Issue No. 01, providing an introduction to the subject.

I’m excited to begin this new and important journey. I hope that you find the magazine engaging and the content useful.

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